November 20th - Dec 6th
Pozilli is a small village near Venafro, Isernia. We only stopped here to go to the supermarket but ended up staying for a fortnight, and all because of the Mediterranean Institute of Neurology. Ju had been suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in her left hand almost from when we left the UK.
Ju went into Neuromed in Pozilli just out of curiousity to see if they had any advice. They said they could do the operation on it for us. We were made up and then flabergasted when they said that they could do it the next day. To anyone used to British NHS waiting lists (six months long at least) such service is unbelieveable.
The operation was duly done, and here is Ju two days later. Hardly hurts and she should be back in the bike in three weeks.
Ju's story with gory picture is here.
In the meantime we have found a very friendly guesthouse in Pozilli where we are whiling away the time by Ju washing everything and me getting my work finished off. We've also been servicing the bikes ans introducing the people who run the guesthouse to the delights of roast dinner (no pasta involved!). Here they are in their kitchen after eating a massive roast chicken:
And here in the winter sunshine under the grapefruit tree: