Distance: 32km | Total: 858km |
From: Moreleigh | To: Stoke Point |
Another sunny day, another beach.... It's a hard life this round-the-world cycle touring!
After soaking up the sun here for a while we pedaled round to Stoke beach and discovered that there is a track leading right around Stoke point to the village of Noss Mayo. It sounded like there couldn't fail to be somewhere good to camp so we headed off and soon found a nice spot overlooking the sea. Unfortunately in the middle of cooking our tea a large-ish but quite docile bull found us. He hung around staring at us for an hour or so and so after tea we moved on a kilometre or so to an equally nice spot that should get the morning sun.
Distance: 27km | Total: 885km |
From: Stoke Point | To: Plymouth |
Met our friend the South African cyclist again today, he had camped just a kilometer around the coast track from us last night, and showed us his new Trangia stove that he had bought on our suggestion. In Newton Ferres we met again as we raided the shops for lunch, Ju was very pleased to get a proper Cornish pasty and we stocked up with porridge in case it is hard to get in France.
Stopping at the top of the hill out of Newton Ferres I had one foot unclipped and ready to put down when I caught my front pannier on the kerb and started falling the wrong way. My other foot didn't come out in time and I fell onto my buttock and shoulder. No real damage seems to have been done but I have a sore leg!
Tomorrow we get the ferry to Roscoff and start the French part of this journey. Ju's knee seems much improved so we have high hopes of greater mileages across France and Italy. This will be the last daily installment style diary entry, I have bought a paper booklet for the journal and will be posting more of an overview style story on the website, updated about once a month.